Healthy Dog Food Recipe
Healthy Dog Food Recipe
A healthy dog food recipe is just as important in my quest for living naturally, as my human recipes! As wonderful as I feel like a homemade food is best for my Lotus, I do think about making sure that her food is nutritionally balanced. That is why I include Dinovite in every recipe I use for her. Commercial brands obviously test and include a lot of extras to help keep dogs healthy, however, some brand contain a lot of fillers and a lot of junk too, as you may know. Therefore, making a healthy dog food recipe had to make the blog list. It’s hard to believe I’ve even waited this long.
Why a homemade healthy dog food recipe?
Being a total advocate of raw food for a good chunk of my dogs life, I started out with recipes online for a raw food, along with occasional kibble. (See that recipe here). It worked great but after awhile she seemed like she liked some cooked food mixed with it as she got older so, I do not always give her raw. However, I do NOT skimp on her greens, that is, her Dinovite supplement. We work in vegetables for her too.
Part of the reason I decided to post this blog, is NOT because I’m a great dog food chef… and NOT because I have the perfect recipe. It is purely because Lotus is going to be 13 years old this year, and it isn’t because she was on a lot of drugs and vaccines. Mostly, I try to give her the cleanest food possible (just like I try to make the cleanest meals for everyone in my family) and that’s why people do when they love their family members, right?
This is the ingredient list for this healthy dog food recipe, I like to make for 6 of Lotus’s meals. She gets fed twice a day. (Sometimes I mix a bit of kibble for crunch. If you want to transition to homemade food, mix with half kibble):
1 lb ground beef partially cooked if you want – don’t overcook (can substitute cooked chicken or turkey) Let me say here, that I would also recommend organ meats! For Lotus, I’ll work in a half cup in this particular recipe, with whatever meat I use.
A large potato or sweet potato, diced (substitute a cup of rice – sometimes I like to change it up)
2 small carrots or 1 medium carrot, diced
½ cup fresh broccoli (substitute peas)
A boiled egg, shell included
bone broth if possible, or water with coconut oil
1/2 c up Dinovite
Coconut oil (optional)
1. Usually I will lightly saute the beef/hamburger so that it is partially cooked. I remove from pan.
2. If I am making rice, I will make that separately in another pan. If making potatoes, cut up into small chunks and cook with carrots in the same pan you cooked the beef.
3. Cook for approximately 10-15 min on low heat. Add broccoli after 5-7 minutes. Place vegetables into dish with beef.
4. Add crushed up boiled egg, 1 cup or so of broth, 1/2 c of Dinovite and mix together.
5. Split up into 6 meals and freeze 3 of them. Feel free to double or triple (or more) to freeze to have on hand. Take out of the freezer the night before use.

Lotus at 12-1/2 years old
Lick O Chops Omega Supplements
Links fpr ingredients from dog treats blog:
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A healthy dog food recipe is just as important in my quest for living naturally, as my human recipes! As wonderful as I feel like a homemade food is best for my Lotus, I do think about making sure that her food is nutritionally balanced….
1 lb ground beef partially cooked if you want - don't overcook (can substitute cooked chicken or turkey) Let me say here, that I would also recommend organ meats! For Lotus, I'll work in a half cup in this particular recipe, with whatever meat I use.
A large potato or sweet potato, diced (substitute a cup of rice - sometimes I like to change it up)
2 small carrots or 1 medium carrot, diced
½ cup fresh broccoli (substitute peas)
A boiled egg, shell included
bone broth if possible, or water with coconut oil
1/2 cup Dinovite
Coconut oil (optional)
1. Lightly saute the beef/hamburger so that it is partially cooked. I remove from pan.
2. If I am making rice, I will make that separately in another pan. If making potatoes, cut up into small chunks and cook with carrots in the same pan you cooked the beef.
3. Cook for approximately 10-15 min on low heat. Add broccoli after 5-7 minutes. Place vegetables into dish with beef.
4. Add crushed up boiled egg, 1 cup or so of broth, 1/2 c of Dinovite and mix together.
5. Split up into 6 meals and freeze 3 of them. Feel free to double or triple (or more) to freeze to have on hand. Take out of the freezer the night before use.

Prep time: 10
Cook time: 20
Total time: 30
Servings: 6
Serving size: 1 c
Meal type: Dinner
Special Equipment needed: pan or pot