How to Make Sour Cream from Raw Cream
How to Make Sour Cream from Raw Cream
Benefits of Sour Cream from Raw Cream
In general, it can be so much easier and faster to purchase food from the store, but everyone should at least try to learn how to make sour cream! Especially if you access to raw cream! A lot of my blogs will contain recipes to make certain basics that you can buy easily from the store. However, real satisfaction comes from knowing how to create some of these really basic recipes.
Love how talks about how to make this recipe, “Commercial cultured sour cream is made by adding lactic acid cultures to heavy cream, giving it a thick texture and tangy flavor. Homemade sour cream requires just two ingredients: heavy cream and an acid, like freshly squeezed lemon juice or distilled white vinegar. I like to use a ratio of 1 cup cream to 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar.”
It is always best to use fresh raw cream as it contains raw enzymes as well as a plethora of nutrients. If you have issues with dairy, you might want to avoid. But, it might be worth experimenting with this recipe if you are thinking about working only raw milk back into your diet. There are several reasons I bring this up. Raw milk is a good source of vitamin A, iron, protein, and fatty acids, including conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3s.
Ingredients for a Quart-sized Sour Cream
- 1 quart raw cream plus one of the following:
- a pkg sour cream starter OR
- 2 tsp of fresh lemon juice
Instructions (first version)
- In a large bowl, pour in one quart of raw cream.
- Gently heat until cream is at approximately 80 degrees. (Some recipes have omitted this step, I found it helpful.)
- Combine package of sour cream starter with raw cream and stir well.
- Pour cream mixture into jar.
- Cover with a towel or cheese cloth and leave in a warm place until the desired amount of sourness has been reached, about 12 hours.
- Cover with a lid a store in the fridge.
Instructions (second version)
- In a large bowl, pour in one pint of raw cream.
- Combine lemon juice over raw cream and stir well.
- Pour mixture into a jar.
- Place a towel or cheese cloth over the top with rubber band and leave in a warm place until the desired amount of sourness has been reached, about 12 hours.
- Cover with a lid a store in the fridge.
For the second set of instructions, allow your sour cream to ferment, cover it with a cheesecloth or towel that will allow it to aerate. Avoid sealing it with the lid. Once your homemade sour cream is ready, you will need to cover your jar tightly with a lid. Afterward, make sure to refrigerate.
A good substitution for sour cream, is yogurt. Check out this recipe as well!
Use this recipe with Ranch Dressing!
Shopping List
Beautiful set of dishes to serve your dips
Kitchen towels to cover the jars
Cheesecloth for a variety of uses
… that I may confirm the oath that I swore to your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as at this day.” Then I answered, “So be it, LORD.”
Jeremiah 11:5
Other fun shopping items:
Try these seeds that are non-GMO, heirloom and organic!
Seed pods if you do not want to start in loose dirt
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In general, it can be so much easier and faster to purchase food from the store, but everyone should at least try to learn how to make sour cream!
1 quart raw cream plus one of the following:
1 pkg sour cream starter
2 tsp of fresh lemon juice
Instructions (first version)
In a large bowl, pour in one quart of raw cream.
Combine package of sour cream starter with raw cream and stir well.
Pour cream mixture into jar.
Cover with a towel or cheese cloth and leave in a warm place until the desired amount of sourness has been reached, about 12 hours.
Cover with a lid a store in the fridge.
Instructions (second version)
In a large bowl, pour in one pint of raw cream.
Combine lemon juice over raw cream and stir well.
Pour mixture into a jar.
Cover with a towel or cheese cloth and leave in a warm place until the desired amount of sourness has been reached, about 12-15 hours. This option took a little longer for me.
Cover with a lid a store in the fridge.
For the second set of instructions, allow your sour cream to ferment, cover it with a cheesecloth or towel that will allow it to aerate. Avoid sealing it with the lid. Once your homemade sour cream is ready, you will need to cover your jar tightly with a lid. Afterward, make sure to refrigerate.

Prep time: 12
Cook time:
Total time: 12.5
Servings: 10
Serving size: 1 Tbsp
Meal type: Sidedish
Special Equipment needed: jar