Nutritious Bubblegum Smoothie
Nutritious Bubblegum Smoothie
Looking for that special fun smoothie, that you know is nutritious but also makes you happy? What could make you happier than bubblegum flavor? This nutritious bubblegum smoothie checks all of the boxes. Most importantly, it doesn’t form an undigestible lump in your stomach like bubblegum does when you swallow it! You not only will not have to worry about swallowing this! Your body will love you for it.
What Makes this Bubblegum Smoothie Nutritious?
Smoothies have been kind of a fallback for people who what to boost their health but want to combine their fruits and vegetables in such a way to make it taste good. Truthfully that can be a little tricky. Too often people can put too much fruit and end up with too much even natural sugar. The proteins and greens are important in this recipe so do not omit them!
In addition to protein (helps repair muscles and tissue), this smoothie contains omegas, vitamin c and antioxidants. According to GoodFood, blueberries for example, contain nutrients that support eye health and regulate blood sugars as well as help avoid heart disease. Ginger supports digestion and the chickweed has all types of nutrients described in another blog.
Recipe for Nutritious Bubblegum Smoothie
This particular recipe for a nutritious bubblegum smoothie was developed a few years ago from a book I found but honestly cannot remember where I first saw it! Since then, I’ve revised and tweaked the recipe to my liking. The bubblegum flavor developed along the way with differing amounts of lemon, ginger and dates.
1 banana
4 small dates or 2 large dates
3 – 4 teaspoons of hemp seed
3 raw soaked walnuts or a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds
2c of water
shredded ginger, approximately 1/2″ (don’t worry if you peel it or not) plus extra if you love ginger as much as I do!
1/2 cup of blueberries
about 3 tablespoons of lemon juice
a handful of chickweed OR a half of a kohlrabi leaf, chopped in small pieces
teaspoon or more of cocao nibs (optional)
1-2 mint leaves for topping (optional)
Other fun toppings such as berries, nuts or a sprinkle of herbs
It’s really great because this nutritious bubblegum smoothie is beautiful too. It has the potential to be as pretty as you need it to be. Truthfully, this is my favorite. Too often people put too much fruit or sweetness into their smoothies, so I would be careful of that with this recipe. This doesn’t take the place of your vegetable servings throughout the day, so check out the other vegetable recipes on this website.
I cannot stress enough that basic core healthy foods from God are really beautiful. Look to make your food pretty and colorful as well delicious.
Shopping List for ingredients (substitutes):
Country Life Natural Foods is a great sources for raw nuts and seeds
Walnuts– raw and soaked (suggested substitute)
Optional add-in ingredients/resources:
Did I mention I love this company? Just in case you’d rather not use Amazon.
Cocao (not necessarily used in this recipe, but good!
Sea Salt (I prefer this brand)
Recommended Equipment:
Excalibur Dehydrator for seeds, nuts herbs drying to use in your smoothie
*Love this feature photo from Brooke Lark on Unsplash
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Looking for that special fun smoothie, that you know is nutritious but also makes you happy? What could make you happier than bubblegum flavor? This nutritious bubblegum smoothie checks all of the boxes. Most importantly, it doesn't form an undigestible lump in your stomach like
1 banana
4 small dates or 2 large dates
3 - 4 teaspoons of hemp seed
3 raw soaked walnuts or a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds
2c of water
shredded ginger, approximately 1/2" (don't worry if you peel it or not) plus extra if you love ginger as much as I do!
1/2 cup of blueberries
about 3 tablespoons of lemon juice
a handful of chickweed OR a half of a kohlrabi leaf, chopped in small pieces
teaspoon or more of cocao nibs (optional)
1-2 mint leaves for topping (optional)
Other fun toppings such as berries
Blend all of the ingredients above, except those that are used to be pretty accents on the top. Pour into your favorite glass.

Prep time: 15
Cook time:
Total time: 15
Serving size: 2c
Meal type: Breakfast, Lunch, Appetizer, Raw
Special Equipment needed: blender