Real Benefits to Eating Greens
Real Benefits to Eating Greens
Real Benefits of Eating Greens
God, in all of His awesomeness, designed greens to do so much more than just look pretty on a plate or be environmentally friendly…there are real benefits to eating greens!
Vegetables are important in the building of our “house”. Did you know that eating some cruciferous greens such as broccoli or kohlrabi leaves, fight back on environmental stresses that can cause you to gain weight? If that isn’t enough, greens are a great ally against disease!
Fun fact: the term “cruciferous” is derived from the flowers of vegetables, such as broccoli, that have four equally-spaced petals in the shape of a cross. It is from the Latin word “crucifer” meaning “cross-bearer”. How amazing that God’s provision for our health is reflected even in our vegetables!
Lots of Varieties of Greens
The not-so-great part about eating greens, is that they aren’t always as palatable as fruit. Especially when you juice or blend them. However, you can always add a certain fruit to help with the taste so that you can consume more greens. Greens are versatile to cook with and they make food much more interesting! The other great part that you may not know, is that there are more varieties of greens than we can even imagine! In addition to the protein-packed varieties of spinach and leafy green lettuces, there are many varieties of swiss chard, kohlrabi greens, kale, mustard greens and broccoli.
In the book of Daniel, Chapter 1, Daniel and his friends refused to eat the king’s delicacies. Instead they focused on obeying God and eating what the Bible calls “pulse” or greens. As a result, Daniel and his men were much healthier than the king’s men and stood apart for God’s purpose. It’s important to note that this account in scripture is not telling us to eat a vegetarian diet; it’s more about the fact that Daniel and his men obeyed God. I just find it interesting that in this instance, greens are the preferred choice.
This account in scripture also reinforces: 1) the need to seek God’s plan for our health (not the world’s) and, 2) how important it is to take care of our body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, which really is His anyway!*

See my green juice recipe below!
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To read more on benefits of eating greens, purchase your copy of 10 Basics for Living Naturally.
Wheatgrass is a great alternative!
You can buy it frozen in many healthfood stores.
In the natural health world, wheat grass is a nutrient-dense superfood. According to healthline, wheatgrass has various health benefits. These can include reducing cholesterol, cancer risk, and inflammation.
Better yet, grow wheatgrass yourself and juice it!
The wheatgrass juicer I have
Way to find out what your blood is
Great blender option; believe me I’ve tried them all!
Equipment ideas/inspiration:
Audio Bible or other leather options!
Hard-covered Spirit-Filled Life Bible
Really Great Living Commentary Hardcover
This is the online commentary, which is constantly being updated
Another great book resource for food referencing
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God, in all of His awesomeness, designed greens to do so much more than just look pretty on a plate or be environmentally friendly...there are real benefits to eating greens.
a big bunch of GREENS such as spinach, kale, swiss chard
1 tsp of kelp or other sea vegetable (optional)
2 lemons (peeled)
2 cucumbers
a handful of micro greens or sprouts
half of a grapefruit
stevia (half a packet) or raw honey to taste
(start with a Tbsp)
optional: add a shot of wheatgrass!
Blend, drink and feel the power!

Prep time: 15
Cook time:
Total time: 15
Servings: 2
Serving size: 1 cupish
Meal type: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Sidedish, Appetizer, Raw
Special Equipment needed: blender