Connection Between Houseplants and Natural Health
Connection Between Houseplants and Natural Health
Houseplants and Natural Health
A person doesn't have to look hard to find a connection between houseplants and natural health! So many beautiful varieties are available to us and you don't need a lot of them to benefit from their natural health properties. Before I show you my favorites, I would love to share what I see as obvious benefits.
Years ago, I was a part of a Master Gardener's Program near where I live in Wisconsin. The instructor in the "houseplants" segment of the program taught a great class on why houseplants can be beneficial. He, himself, had recovered from cancer and would surround himself with all types of healthy plants in his home. He believed there was some healing support that came from surrounding himself with living, growing plants. Would you agree that having houseplants are like bringing the indoors in? It's no secret that plants provide oxygen for us! There are several reasons, if you aren't already convinced, to have plants indoor as well as outdoor.
Stress Relievers
There a several benefits to having houseplants and a definite connection between houseplants and natural health. It's difficult to even begin to list them all here. Here are a few, starting with relieving stress. I know that having one more responsibility can have the opposite effect of stress (haha) but taking care of a plant shouldn't be stressful! In fact, studies have shown that indoor plants could reduce stress! Participants reported feelings of comfort when working with plants versus working on a computer.
Feeling Happier
Have you ever met anyone who didn't like being around plants? Ok, sure, there are people who do not like bugs or maybe the responsibility of taking care of plants as I mentioned, but to NOT want to be around plants seems ridiculous...right? There are people who are allergic to certain plants. Even those people would rather be around them than not. Please comment below if this isn't true about you!
Help improve sleep
In 1989, a study conducted by NASA found that plants reduce indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde and benzene. The plant's ability to clean the air helps people to sleep better. Sounds obvious, right? Surprisingly, many people do not realize this benefit. Lavender plants are a wonderful plant to put in the bedroom due to it fragrance and relaxing properties. However, some varieties need a lot of sun, so keep that in mind. Succulents are said to let off their oxygen at night, thus being great to have in your bedroom.
Feel more energetic
A great night's sleep will of course help us feel more energetic. One article by Treehugger says that plants actually release moisture into the air which can help not only with dryness but also fight off illness. This same article states that plants improve concentration, memory and productivity. Texas A&M Extension states, “Work performed under the natural influence of ornamental plants is normally of higher quality and completed with a much higher accuracy rate than work done in environments devoid of nature.” They also say, "“Keeping ornamental plants in the home and in the workplace increases memory retention and concentration.”
Clean the air
You might have guessed that plants can improve air quality. They basically replace carbon dioxide with oxygen. An important part of this to note is that plants NEED carbon dioxide to produce oxygen. Interesting, right? Take a look at more information about this here.

Goodwin Creek Lavender
The graphic on the top of the page is a photo of my Goodwin Creek Lavender. This is one of my favorite along with one I call a Parlor Palm and English Ivy that is often called something different. Goodwin Creek is a wonderful fragrant plant that is great for its scent indoors in a pot but when planted outside is only an annual. More on that here.
Plant and Growing related ideas:
Gardening gloves (these are awesome)
Great resource for buying seeds: High Mowing Seeds- Microgreens
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A person doesn't have to look hard to find a connection between houseplants and natural health! So many beautiful varieties are available to us and you don't need a lot of them to benefit from their natural health properties.